Membership is open to any interested grower or supplier of services to the Christmas tree industry.  Our content is focused on Atlantic Canada challenges or suggestions for Christmas tree cultivation, but our Newsletters and technical notes attempt to add information for a wider, more diverse area and ranges of growers.  We attempt to keep our fees low.  This allows us to service all growers, whether they operate smaller farms or large wholesale operations.  


The fee to become a member is $60.00.  

We ask that you fill out both a membership application and a Code of Ethics agreement.

The links to each form are just below.




It is difficult to read the inserted text within the above photograph.  It is simply describing this work as part of our research study into the influence of root stock upon bud flush timing of grafted stock.  Why?  We have a number of older orchards of fantastic plus trees but the parental scores are silent on bud break timing.  This work will better allow us assess these gorgeous trees.

The photo on the left is one of our newer superior trees that has late bud flush, unbelievable needle retention post harvest – AND – has never been touched with a shearing knife!

It is completely natural.